Beat the Spring Rush and Have Your Home Power Washed Now!
The presents have all been unwrapped, the New Year’s ball has dropped, and the holiday hangover is in full swing. Although the cold is still raging on, springtime is right around the corner. If you made a New Year’s Resolution to get things cleaned up and organized, don’t limit it just to the interior of your home! Finding a good power washing company near you to handle the great outdoors is an excellent to-do to add to your list. But instead of waiting for the spring rush, now is a perfect time to schedule your appointment!
Schedule Your Appointment for Spring
It might still be wintertime, but the early bird catches the worm. That means if you want to ensure that you are ready to go for spring, making an appointment with a power washing company now is key. If you don’t plan ahead, there is a good likelihood that the power washing company’s schedule will be filled when you are ready. Be proactive and schedule the best time for you, on your time, not when a company has the availability to fit you in.
Yes, You Can Power Wash During the Winter!
You might have a couple of months to go before the spring rushes in, but why wait for spring? If you didn’t get to those exterior spaces before the snow and ice set in, debris might be wreaking havoc waiting for the spring thaw.
Although most people believe that power washing is only something you can do in the warm weather, it can be done year-round. Don’t let things sit staining for the entire winter season when you can clean them up now. When spring and summer do come, your home will be in much better shape than if you wait on the sidelines.

Debris Build up Can Make a Thaw Dangerous
Leaving debris build up on surfaces like the driveway, sidewalk, or even decks and patios can make you vulnerable as a homeowner. When a thaw does come, then mud and decaying leaves can make surfaces really slippery. And since you are responsible to make your property safe, if someone gets hurt, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to pay for a slip and fall accident. Not to mention, you want to make sure your loved ones are safe. Power washing during the winter to make the thaw less hazardous is not only a good idea; it is also a must.
Don’t Be Left Hanging
If you do wait until the last minute, on those days when the weather is nice enough to want to head outdoors, you won’t be able to. Preemptively cleaning up decks, patios, screened-in porches during the cold winter months will ensure that you will be the first to enjoy the nice days of spring when they come along. Otherwise, you could be spending them waiting for a power washing company to fit you in. Or, you could be spending your time cleaning it up yourself.
Springtime may seem like years away, but it is right around the corner. If your New Year’s Resolution is to get things in order, don’t forget your exterior spaces. Contact a power washing company near me today to have your outdoors cleaned, or to schedule for service when you want so that you aren’t left waiting when the warm weather rushes in.
The professionals of Above and Beyond Tree Service work year-round to keep surfaces clean, safe and stain free. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.