COVID kind of got us all off track. It was easy when the world was on pause to put your to-do list on pause, too. If you didn’t trim your trees back in the fall and worry that you need to do it now before summer, there are pros and cons to doing it now. According to the best tree trimming South Bend, Indiana companies, trimming is typically best in the fall or winter when trees are dormant. That being said, there are occasions when trimming is not only okay, but necessary to keep your tree – and your property – safe for the long summer months ahead.

When It Is Okay to Trim During the Summer

Branches or Limbs are Broken

If you notice that a limb or branch has broken, then it is a good time to call a tree trimming South Bend, Indiana, professional to take a look. Broken branches and limbs can drain your tree’s energy needlessly. Most importantly, with summer bringing the risk of storms, if you don’t take care of what is broken, it can fall and cause damage to your home or your property. Regardless of the time of year, if you notice a limb issue, then it is important to trim the tree for its health and your safety.

Dead Limbs or Branches

If you notice signs of disease or that any of the tree is dead, then you should get it trimmed. All the dead branch is doing is blocking necessary sunlight to the surviving branches, which steals energy. And just like a broken limb or branch, if a heavy storm comes along, it will most likely take down the weakened part, leading to the risk of damage.

Odd Shape

If you have a tree that is leaning heavily to one side, then it is best to trim it to even it out. When trees lean heavily to one side, they run the risk of being knocked over during a storm. Trim only the parts that are necessary to balance the tree.

If They Are Specific Types of Trees

It is better to wait to trim trees during the cold months – unless they are specific types that can handle the heat. Trees that can safely be trimmed during the spring and summer are:

  • Sappy hardwoods – Walnut, birch, and maple trees can be trimmed during the summertime. And it might actually be beneficial to do so, because they tend to ooze sap if you try to trim them during the fall or winter.
  • Evergreen trees – Light trimming of evergreen trees is okay during the summer months. However, unless it’s necessary, try to limit the amount that you trim to keep the tree healthy.
  • Fruit trees – It is okay to lightly trim fruit trees during the summer. However, be aware that it might affect the amount of fruit that it yields for the season.

If you didn’t get around to trimming your trees during the fall and winter, it is better to wait until fall or winter unless you have to. There are only a few reasons to trim during the summer, but if you spot signs of trouble, it is best to err on the side of caution and have tree service like Above and Beyond evaluate the tree to see what the best course of action is. Contact us today so we can take a look!

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