Looking to Add Shade Around Your Home? Plant Trees This Fall!

As we head into fall, many people are starting to schedule their fall clean-up and prepare their landscaping for the long, cold winter months ahead. While you’re scheduling a lawn service, you might want to evaluate the exterior of your home or office to see if you might benefit from adding some shade around your property. Trees are an excellent way to shade your hardscape and landscaping areas; they are also great for lowering your energy costs throughout the summer months if planted appropriately. So why is fall time an excellent time to hire a company for tree planting in Michiana?

Four Reasons to Plant Trees in the Fall

Fall Planting Promotes Healthier Root Growth

When you plant trees in the fall, it can lead to better root growth. Seedlings will have more time to take root in the fall, as opposed to other seasons like spring and summer when heat can be detrimental to their growth. If you plant when the roots will be more robust, there’s a greater likelihood that your tree will be healthier and make it through many seasons ahead.

Less Maintenance Time

If you plant trees during the spring and summer, then you have to pay close attention to their watering needs. Trees planted in the fall and winter require less maintenance because you don’t have to worry about evaporation and water needs. The roots will solidify by the time spring and summer hit.

Get It Off of Your Plate to Focus on Other Things Come Spring!

Fall is a time when there are fewer landscaping needs, which means that you have more downtime to take care of extra tasks, like planting trees. If you plant your trees appropriately for shade now, you can give them the attention that they require. It will also mean that in the spring and summer, you will have more free time for the other landscaping details like fertilizing and other warm-weather planting annuals and flowers.

Take Advantage of Dormancy

During the fall and winter, trees enter a dormancy period. That means that their growth slows down and they use less of the energy that’s required in the spring for leaves, budding, and new growth. Therefore, if you plant trees in the fall and winter, there will be a lower chance that they won’t make it. The extra energy that they conserve during the dormant period will help the tree to focus on things like taking healthy roots.

As we move into fall, now is an excellent time to take stock of the landscaping around your home to see if it is producing all the benefits it could. If you want to add shade to the exterior spaces of your backyard or to benefit your home’s energy costs, then fall and winter are the best time to hire a company for tree planting in Michiana like Above and Beyond for all of your planting needs. Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

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