If you have a sick tree, the good news is that in most instances, they can still be saved. But if your tree is already dead, then it can pose a severe risk – not just for your dwelling, but also for your safety and the safety of your family. Not all dead trees show visible signs; sometimes you have to look a little closer to see symptoms that it is time to call a tree service Michiana company.

1. Your Tree Has Brittle or Brown Cracks or Bark

When your tree is dying, it might show signs of missing or cracked bark. Deep splits in the external or internal cavities of a tree are a sure sign that something is amiss. Cracks can expose your tree to weakness, which can make it likelier to fall and cause damage during a storm.

2. It Has Very Few Healthy Leaves

One way to tell if your tree is on its way out is to examine the health of its leaves. Deciduous trees should have a lush top, but if all you see is brittle and brown leaves, even at the height of the growing season, then that is a good indication that your tree is either sick or dead. Another sign to look for is leaves hanging on – even when they are brown – late into the fall season. Your coniferous evergreens might begin to show yellow, brown, or even red leaves when under stress or if it’s sick.

3. A Lot of Dead Wood

Sometimes it is totally natural for a tree to have some parts that are dead, even if it is healthy. But an abundance of dead wood is a sign that your tree is not faring well. If it has been a while since you have trimmed your tree, it might just need a good tree trimming, but if there are branches that appear to be dead, leaving them alone can lead to the tree falling down and harming the things surrounding it. If you have a lot of dead wood, then it is a good idea to call a company that handles tree service in Michiana to take a look.

4. It is Crawling with Fungus and Pests

If you see signs that insects have made your tree their home, then that might be a sign that your tree is dying or sick. Pests and insects prefer to take residence in trees that are weak, dead, or dying. Also, bacterial and fungal infections indicate that a tree has some issues that can lead to structural damage if not addressed.

5. Seeing Signs of Damage to the Roots

It isn’t always possible to see what is going on in your tree’s root system. Although root damage might not always be visible, if you have had construction around your home or there has been some other major trauma to your tree, then you might begin to see partially exposed roots or shallow roots. Small changes might not stand out as much, but if you see differences in your tree’s root system, that can be a warning sign that your tree needs help or even needs to be removed.

It’s not always obvious when a tree is dead or dying, but as a homeowner, it is important for you to pay close attention to how well your trees are faring as we progress through summer. If you think that your tree might have an issue, then it is a good idea to call a tree service Michiana company like Above and Beyond to ensure that your tree isn’t posing a threat to your home.

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