As We Head Into Winter, Will Your Trees Be Able to Take the Snow and Ice?

If you think the fall and holidays to follow have shown up without warning, you aren’t alone. As we head into winter, now is the perfect time to consider hiring a tree company in South Bend to make sure that your trees can tackle the ice and snow that will soon be upon us. Losing a tree is not only costly; it can be dangerous if proper precautions aren’t taken. Here are a few things that you can do to be proactive about what is to come!


One of the most critical parts of tree maintenance is proper and timely pruning. Pruning is essential to remove damaged or diseased branches and also to help promote healthy growth. Pruning before the ice and snow arrive will also help reduce the risk of branches breaking and falling where they can cause significant damage to your property. The time of year that you prune is important to get the most benefit, and fall is ideal. Before the cold weather hits, look around for any branches that are low-hanging, touching electrical wires, or could pose a safety issue if they break off and fall.

Feed and Water Your Trees

Even when trees go dormant, they need water reserves to survive the winter season. It is a good idea to soak your tree roots and provide fertilizer before freezing. Winter desiccation is a symptom of dehydration caused by not enough water, temperature fluctuations, and windy conditions. Water is also necessary to insulate your trees at the root from the freeze.


Mulch is not only a landscaping tool that enhances the aesthetics of your overall landscape design; it is necessary to prevent root damage by insulating the roots and also regulating the soil temperature to protect your dormant tree.

Brace Them

If you have either weak trees or young ones that have just been planted, they will need a little extra support when the snow and ice begin to weigh them down. A professional tree company in South Bend can do a “tree risk assessment,” where they can help pinpoint any limbs that need some extra support. Steel braces and cables can help prevent breakage from winter storm damage. And for limbs that need a little extra protection, you can cover them in burlap to make sure they make it safely through the winter months.

Wrap For Support

Commercial tree wrap or burlap will help protect your trees from the cold. Sunlight works to warm dormant trees and their branches, and it also helps to aid in cell growth. When early cells are exposed to freezing temperatures, it can lead to “sunscald” damage. Also, you will want to shield your trees from exposure to any salt spray from nearby roads, because salt can weaken the tree and reduce the tree’s ability to absorb nourishment from the soil.

If the fall snuck up on you, you are not alone. The good news is there is still plenty of time to prepare your trees for the long winter season ahead. To make sure that you are doing all you can to protect your trees and help promote growth during the cold weather months, contact Above and Beyond Tree Services to schedule your maintenance appointment today!

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