Spring Tree Tips 101

It might feel like winter just began, but soon enough we will be anticipating spring. If your New Year’s resolution included getting things cleaned up around the house, then don’t forget the exterior! As the snow and ice thaw, your trees are going to need a little TLC to make them flourish through spring and summer. Try these quick and easy spring tree tips from our tree company in South Bend!


The first step to taking care of your lawn and trees will be cleaning things up. Between the winter snow and ice and fall leaves, your lawn probably needs a lot of special attention. Make sure to remove all holiday lights so they aren’t strangling your trees. Also, weed around the base of the tree to make sure that it will get enough moisture when the spring showers hit. Rake around the tree to pick up debris and clear the space to allow for better absorption.


Mulch is important for the general aesthetics of your landscaping, and it is critical to help trees maintain moisture around the base of the trunk. It also helps to outline beds and tree trunks to set a parameter around which to mow.


Getting enough moisture and water is critical, especially as the spring months start to heat up. Don’t water around the tree trunk directly; it is much better to water around the trunk evenly. Soaking the area around the tree frequently is a great way to encourage spring growth and health.


Spring is an excellent time for pruning because your tree has been dormant for a few months. That means that there will be fewer leaves to contend with, which makes trimming easier. Make sure to remove any dying or dead branches so that they don’t take nourishment from healthy branches. Also, pay attention to trimming symmetrically so that your tree will continue to grow properly.


The spring is an ideal time to fertilize your lawn and landscaping. Pay special attention to larger and more established trees. If you want the fertilizer to absorb faster, consider drilling holes around the roots.

As we quickly head into the New Year, spring will soon be upon us. The best way to have a beautiful lawn and landscaping for the year ahead is to prepare your trees after the thaw by following these care tips from our tree company in South Bend. While you are caring for your trees, make sure to pay attention to signs of disease or illness. And if you do spot anything amiss, make sure to call and schedule an appointment for tree service before the summer heat hits. Contact us now!

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